Switching Home loans

Once upon a time getting a loan was a 30-year commitment, these days mortgages are more like health insurance and are a lot more portable and easy to change if there is a better offer going around.

When looking to switch your home loan, you can either use a mortgage broker or go to a bank.

The difference between a mortgage broker and a bank is a broker has anywhere from 50 – 100 options to choose from whereas a bank only have the 1. Therefore when you are looking at switching home loans a broker sit’s with you and can review all the options available in the market and handle the process from start to finish for you.

The end result is you end up with:
– A Lower Rate
– Lower Fees
– Cash Bonus (money banks give you to come over, anywhere from ($2,000 – $4,000).

To work out what to do when considering switching homer loans feel free to send us a message to admin@nextlend.com.au and we would be more than happy to go through the options with you.

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